If you naturally have very thin, fine hair, then you may often feel like your hair lies flat against your head and does not have much character. But this does not have to be the case! You will have to work at it a bit, but there are ways to add style and interest to thinner hair. Here are a few tips to employ both at home and when in the stylist's chair to enhance your look and give that thin hair some pizzazz.
Ask for layers
When you visit your hairstylist, make sure you tell them that you want your hair to have more volume. They won't necessarily know you're unhappy with your current, flatter look unless you tell them. Typically, to add more volume to your hair, your stylist will add some layers. They may ask you how dramatic you want the layers to be. Unless you are truly apprehensive about making big changes to your hair, feel free to tell them "dramatic." As someone with thin hair, this is what your hair needs — a cut that's not shy about layers.
Use conditioner occasionally
Do you find that, soon after you style your hair, it falls flat again? This is only partially because it is thin, and partially because it is being weighed down — probably by a heavy conditioner. Only condition thin hair once a week or so, and it will become easier to style. Use a gentle conditioner formulated to add volume.
Use heat
Some people may be able to get away without using heat to style their hair, but not people with thin hair. Most thin hair needs the heat to set the style in. Spray your hair with a light coat of heat protector before you start blow-drying, curling, or flat ironing it. This will keep the ends from getting damaged and frizzy, which can make hair even harder to style.
Use a comb, not a brush
As you are styling your hair, try to use a comb, rather than a brush, whenever possible. A brush is almost too harsh for thin hair, and it may actually make it frizzy. A comb is gentler and will undo tangles without going too far.
Fine, thin hair isn't that hard to style once you get used to it! Ask your stylist for some more hair styling tips related to your unique haircut and style preferences.